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  • Cannabis consumer protections and safety in Canada
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  • How do I achieve my desired high?
    Like all drugs, the experience you have with cannabis is determined by a number of factors, including the drug's pharmacological makeup, where you're consuming, and the mindset you're in when consuming. Picking a specific product type (e.g. edible vs smoked), the right strain, and knowing how to use the bong, pipe, vape, or other device is important. At times you may prefer strains that are more psychologically stimulating and uplifting, and sometimes you may prefer strains that produce more relaxing effects (a better choice for more low-key activities). Different strains produce different effects, so it’s important to know how the intent of your consumption ties to the products you are purchasing. Speak to a budtender at a local dispensary, and they will help you find a strain that works for you and your desired outcome. But you should also consider where you are and with whom you're consuming. Using good quality cannabis in a low quality situation is going to impact how much you enjoy the experience.
  • What are set and setting?
    Before consuming any drugs, it is important to consider your ‘set and setting’. Set refers to your internal environment, including your mindset, expectations, intention, mood, and fears. Setting refers to your external environment, which is the physical, cultural, and social environment where consumption is taking place. Finding the right set and setting for you will ensure you achieve your desired experience.
  • Is it okay to consume cannabis in your adolescence?
    It is recommend that young consumers minimize consumption during adolescence or delay use altogether until their early 20s. Research suggests that frequent use in adolescence is associated with some potential mental health issues and cognitive impacts, though it appears that much of the potential cognitive impacts can go away if cannabis use is reduced or ceases. If you're going to consume cannabis as a teenager it is best to consume infrequently and to stay away from products that have very high levels of THC.
  • How risky is cannabis?
    Cannabis is not harmless, but it is relatively low risk. Understanding how to use cannabis safely, and what mental health risks might be present for you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience with cannabis.
  • Can your Setting (place) affect your cannabis high?
    Some like to consume in a social setting at parties, while others prefer consuming at home where they’re more comfortable. Considering your setting is important when planning your desired experience when consuming cannabis because it can have an effect on your comfort level.
  • What is the ideal setting for cannabis consumption?
    When consuming cannabis, it is important to consider how your mindset and the location of your consumption can affect your experience. Start with consuming around people you know and trust, like a close friend, and consuming in a comfortable, safe location. You should also make sure you are prepared for your consumption and are in a good mindset. Lastly, ensure you understand what to expect, and plan transportation for your ride home.
  • Is set and setting similar for all cannabis consumers?
    Consumers should determine where and why they prefer to consume, as this is different for everyone. Some people feel comfortable consuming socially at parties, while others are more comfortable at home with a smaller group of close friends. This is important to consider because set and setting consist of the behaviours, moods, and relationships among those present during consumption.
  • What are the different reasons for consuming cannabis?
    There are many reasons someone chooses to consume cannabis. Some consume socially to make activities more enjoyable, and others consume to improve their health (such as relieving chronic pain or digestive problems). All reasons are valid, but it’s important the decision comes from you as your intent greatly impacts your experience.
  • What is the most common form of cannabis consumption?
    74% of cannabis consumption is in the form of dried bud. It can be purchased legally from local dispensaries across Canada in various strains and potencies. Dried cannabis is mainly consumed via smoking methods such as bongs, joints, and pipes, or more minimally harmful methods such as vaporizers. Smoking cannabis presents few respiratory risks for infrequent consumers, but if you are consuming smoked products frequently you may want to consider alternative methods. A dry-herb vaporizer will still allow you to consume flower, have quick onset, and enjoy the taste of good cannabis, but ensures there are fewer combusted materials entering the lungs.
  • Is cannabis completely harmless?
    Cannabis is not a harmless drug, but it is relatively harmless. The overwhelming majority of people that consume cannabis do so without problems to their mental or physical health, but some people do experience issues, and these issues are more likely to appear in very frequent consumers. This doesn't mean that all, or even most, frequent consumers will experience any sort of problem, but we need to acknowledge there are some risks and take steps to mitigate those risks.
  • How do I avoid having a bad experience with cannabis?
    Start low, go slow. This means start with a low dose, and don't take too much at once. Edibles take a while to kick in, but inhaled cannabis takes effect rather quickly. In either case you want to give yourself sufficient time to know how high you are before deciding whether to have more. Being high feels quite nice if you're are the level of being high that you intended, but can be uncomfortable if you miss the mark. Start low, go slow.
  • If you're using cannabis everyday are you addicted?
    When talking about problematic drug use we tend to talk about dependency, not addiction, and we can't base dependency simply on how much cannabis someone consumes. Dependency is assessed by things like whether a person continues to use cannabis despite it causing them physical or psychological problems, whether they have problems at work or school due to their cannabis consumption, and several other factors. But frequency of use alone is not a good marker for whether someone has a cannabis use disorder of some kind.
  • Is cannabis laced with Fentanyl or other drugs?
    No. There are no credible reports of cannabis being laced with other drugs by dealers trying to get people high, and even if there was accidental contamination the burning of cannabis would most likely make the Fentanyl useless. The repeated use of this myth is an attempt to stigmatize people who use drugs and relies on classic fear-based approaches to drugs issues.
  • Can you overdose on cannabis?
    No. You can have a very unpleasant experience if you overconsume cannabis, but you can't die from overconsumption.
  • Does cannabis improve driving performance?
    While cannabis may not have the same effect on driving performance as alcohol or even severe sleep deprivation, driving while high is less safe than driving sober, particularly for people who are less frequent cannabis consumers. It's a myth that people drive better when they're high, but recent research suggests most cannabis consumers don't ever get behind the wheel when high, or even in a car with someone driving who is high.
  • Can you get addicted to cannabis the first time you try it?
    No. About 9% of people who consume cannabis will experience some sort of dependency or misuse issue with cannabis, but that does not happen the first or even second time you try it. Dependency on cannabis, like any other drug, is a process that evolves and is shaped by a number of factors in a person's life.
  • Does smoking cannabis make you dumber?
    No. While you're high you may not have good memory recall, but those effects are temporary. Research into the harms of cannabis was widely promoted during the century of prohibition, often ignoring potential benefits to cannabis consumption.
  • Will you get high the first time you try cannabis?
    Many assume they will not feel the effects of cannabis when consuming it for the first time. This is not necessarily true as everyone’s experience is different. It is important to be mindful of factors that can impact your first-time experience, including the possibility that the cannabis was not consumed properly, that the dosage was too low, or the unfamiliarity of what being ‘high’ feels like.
  • How can you reduce harm when inhaling cannabis?
    Those who prefer smoking cannabis should avoid holding the smoke in their lungs for extended periods of time because doing so will increase the inhalation of tar and other toxic substances into the lungs. A simple inhale and exhale is all you need, as studies have found that the duration of inhalation has minimal impact on the amount of THC absorbed and resulting effects.
  • Can cannabis consumption affect your brain cells?
    This is a commonly believed myth, however, there is no solid evidence supporting the idea that cannabis kills brain cells. In fact, research suggests that cannabinoids can, in some instances, protect brain cells, promote the generation of cells, and prevent brain damage. It is still important to be aware of the minimal risks associated with regular heavy cannabis use and brain function in relation to attention, memory, and cognitive/motor functioning. Limited term impacts on brain function have been observed, but these are often related to the period while someone is actively high, and are not a sign of brain cells dying.
  • Is cannabis a gateway drug?
    The idea that cannabis causes people to use other drugs has not been supported by any scientific examination. Many people first consume cannabis as it is relatively easy to obtain and easy to learn to use. Additionally, the idea that drugs other than cannabis are somehow 'harder' or worse, is less about science and more about creating stigma and fear about people who use drugs.
  • Can cannabis consumption affect your motivation?
    There is a common assumption that frequent cannabis consumption can decrease your motivation. Studies that report decreased motivation or activity tend to miss other factors that can affect an individual’s level of motivation, such as their predisposition to anxiety and depression, or the use of other substances such as alcohol. These are crucial factors to consider when analyzing your cannabis consumption.
  • Is there a relationship between cannabis and depression?
    Some individuals who struggle with depression and have low levels of serotonin use cannabis to treat their symptoms. Research has shown that high doses of THC may increase depressive symptoms, whereas low doses of THC may increase serotonin levels and act as an antidepressant. Cannabis use in general has been associated with more depressive symptoms, but that does not mean cannabis causes depression. If you're feeling depressed, cannabis may or may not help you, and you should discuss your symptoms and potential treatment plans with a doctor or therapist.
  • Does cannabis cause psychosis?
    There's no conclusive evidence that cannabis causes psychosis. There is some evidence that there's a correlation between heavy cannabis use and psychosis, but this does not mean cannabis causes psychosis. The relationship between the two things is incredibly complicated.
  • Is cannabis consumption for everyone?
    Some people use cannabis to help relieve symptoms of mental health conditions, whereas for others it has the opposite effect. It is important to learn how your body reacts to specific products, strains, and consumption methods. Some people can consume cannabis every day and have no problems whatsoever, but others may experience a range of potential mental and physical health issues. That's why it is important to regularly check in with yourself about your cannabis use and identify if and how it is working for your intended purposes.
  • Can cannabis serve as a harm reduction tool?
    Many individuals use cannabis as a substitution for other drugs and alcohol. Studies indicate that cannabis has potential harm reduction benefits and may serve as an effective method of reducing harms associated with alcohol, drugs, and prescription medication. Individuals who used cannabis as a substitute for these substances reported better symptom management, fewer adverse side effects, and less withdrawal potential.
  • What is the relationship between cannabis and mental health?
    It has been said that cannabis only has negative effects on a person’s mental health, however, it is important to be aware of the role that genetic predisposition, frequency of consumption, and the method of consumption plays in impacting mental health conditions. Most individuals who use cannabis will never develop mental health conditions as there is no evidence of a direct correlation. Many people report that cannabis has positive impacts on their mental health, but this is too often ignored when discussing cannabis.
  • Is vaping cannabis a good alternative to smoking it?
    Vaping cannabis reduces the number of combusted materials inhaled, making it a better option to minimize the risk of potential respiratory health issues, particularly for frequent cannabis consumers.
  • Is vaping cannabis more practical than smoking it?
    Vaping cannabis produces minimal odor in comparison to smoking cannabis, and there are several therapeutic benefits - including easier facilitation of correct dosage, and faster/longer-lasting effects.
  • What if I'm not enjoying cannabis as much as I used to?
    Frequent consumption of cannabis can come with some risks, including issues of dependency. How you're engaging with cannabis matters.
  • What should you look for when buying a cannabis product?
    There are 2 amounts listed for THC and CBD content on labels – the first indicates the potency level in the cannabis when purchased, and the second, listed as ‘total THC’ or ‘total CBD’, indicate the potency levels when consumed. It's important to remember that higher THC content indicates a stronger cannabis product, resulting in more intensive psychoactive effects. Higher THC content may be good because it will reduce the amount of cannabis you need to consume, but CBD and other cannabinoids are important parts of cannabis that round out the experience. Too much THC can be uncomfortable for some people. The Ontario Cannabis Store has a great page on how to read a cannabis label
  • Should you buy regulated cannabis products?
    Legal cannabis products can be purchased from authorized retailers with the help of budtenders. Legal cannabis products are required to come in child-proof packaging. Unlike illegal products, legal cannabis producers are required to have a clear description of its contents on the label. These producers are strictly monitored, and their products undergo strict testing for toxic and harmful substances in licensed laboratories to ensure your safety.
  • Should I buy Indica or Sativa
    Cannabis is an incredibly complex drug, especially compared to alcohol. No matter what kind of alcohol you consume, whether beer, or wine, or whiskey, you're consuming the same drug; ethyl-alcohol. But with cannabis you're dealing with many different cannabinoids, including the two most well researched, THC and CBD. The type of cannabis (e.g. Sativa vs Indica) doesn't actually tell you all that much about the product or the experience you'll have. The old saying of Indica putting you in-da-couch simply doesn't hold up under scientific examination. More important are the cannabinoids and terpenes present in the specific product you consume.
  • Do tolerance breaks actually work?
    Frequent consumption of cannabis can lead to an increased tolerance; that is to say that you'll need more to achieve the same level of intoxication. A simple way to deal with this is to not consume cannabis for a few weeks.
  • What if I'm just consuming a lot of cannabis regularly but not greening out?
    Consuming cannabis regularly is not, by itself, a problem. If you're consuming frequently you should be mindful that smoked products pose the highest risk for respiratory issues, and high THC products pose the highest risk for negative mental health issues. But these risks can be reduced by simple actions like using a dry-herb vape instead of a joint, or using cannabis with a more balanced profile of THC to CBD. Additionally you can consider taking breaks from cannabis for short periods. This will help reduce tolerance levels and means you have to consume less to achieve the same high.
  • What's the safest way to consume cannabis edibles?
    The ‘start low and go slow’ harm reduction method. Begin with edibles with a low THC content and wait 30-90 minutes prior to observing the effects and deciding whether to consume more. This helps you learn how your body reacts to the edible and prevents overconsumption.
  • How long does it take for edibles to kick in?
    Edibles take longer to take effect than inhaled cannabis, and you should expect to have to wait at least 45 minutes to feel any effect, and potentially up to two hours. Things like the dose, how much you've eaten, and other factors all impact the timing, so don't assume it'll always be the same amount of time before you feel anything. Start low, go slow.
  • Do edibles produce the same effects as smoking cannabis?
    Edibles have a delayed onset time, ranging from 30-90 minutes, with maximum effects taking place around 2-6 hours and lasting for approximately 4-12 hours. Smoking cannabis causes psychotropic effects that last for only 2-3 hours.
  • What should you know prior to consuming cannabis concentrates?
    Cannabis concentrates, such as oil and shatter, contain a much higher THC potency than dried flower. They are not recommended for new consumers as they produce a more intense high and carry a greater risk of overconsumption. Some long-time cannabis consumers prefer concentrates to dried flower because they can achieve a similar high with fewer inhales.
  • What is "Greening out"?
    'Greening out’ is a phrase for cannabis overconsumption which can cause you to feel unpleasant, but is not fatal. Side effects include nausea/vomiting, fast pulse, dizziness, and more. These symptoms are temporary and only last for a few hours depending on many factors, such as dose. Use the ‘start low, go slow’ method to avoid having an unpleasant experience.
  • Can I just eat some cannabis buds to get high?
    No. THC is not in the proper form for your body to actually make use of it get high. In most cases you need to heat the THC to have it undergo decarboxylation (decarbing) so that you'll actually get high off the THC. You can eat some dried cannabis if you want, but you're just wasting good cannabis at that point.
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